So, what's here?
Top shelf (left to right): Shredded Cabot cheese, herbed goat cheese, New York cheddar, soy milk, pitcher of iced Awake tea (in a pitcher my cousin MADE), orange juice (special treat for Nathan), bowl of apples, leftover baked tofu, leftover brown rice, leftover artichoke hearts, bowl of yeast.
Middle shelf (left to right): Nathan's peppery cream cheese, eggs, a container with parmesan in it, veggie dogs (to make veggie pigs-in-a-blanket for my friend's birthday this weekend), bowl of tomatoes, bowl of Bone Sucking Sauce (we put it on EVERYTHING), Ezekiel bread (oh my word - Best.Bread.Ever.) and a loaf of locally made raisin bread.
Bottom shelf (left to right): Crescent rolls (for aforementioned pigs-in-a-blanket; I don't normally buy those or any product like that, haha), fat-free plain yogurt (waiting to be frozen...mmm), a container of Rachel's yogurt (makes my throat itch, but it's SO yummy and I won't throw it out), arugula, spinach, romaine.
The bottom drawers contain a few bunches of carrots and assorted colors of peppers.
So, what's in your fridge?