Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It's like I should give up isn't it? Oh well. Sorry the posts are fewer and farther between each week. I can chalk it up to a few reasons:

1. I'm having too much fun to write much. I work hard and play harder (seriously!) and I'm always jetting off for dinner or a show or hosting friends from out of town or wandering around New York with Nathan. It is summer. Summer is the time for being out and about and not near a computer--wait until winter and I'll probably start updating again.

2. I got an iphone and started updating my Twitter account, so follow me other there--I update several times per day.

3. I'm tired (see #1). By the time I make it home, I pull something together for dinner and want to spend all my waking time with Nathan. You understand, right?

So this past weekend we had a party that was an odd collision of my past with my present. It was a gathering mostly comprised of people that I spent every waking minute with when I was 10-16. It's odd how we grew up, but reassuring. We all made it, some more than others surely, but we're all functioning adults.

It was also exhausting. I felt the need to justify all my life choices and to explain how I got to this point. Yes, I'm married. No, I don't own a television. Yes, I'm still a vegetarian. No, I don't want to live near more restaurants. C'est la vie, eh?


  1. You know.. you're such a confident and centered person. those conversations can be really draining. One thing to remember is that you're not justifying yourself so much as enabling the other person to justify themselves. Why am I still single? Did I walk away from Mr. Right? Why am I paying more rent to live in Grammercy? Is eating meat cruel?

    Do them a favor, move the conversation forward, and help them understand their own choices. They'll never notice you didn't answer the question.

  2. oh my goodness that would make my day! isn't that strange how everything is connected!

    let me know!

    what book are you guys reading now?

    Happy 4th of July Weekend!
