Sunday, July 5, 2009


Has anyone else completely thrown menu planning out the window lately?

I find it hard to menu plan when every time I walk down the street I'm confronted with some produce I want to eat right then and there.

Is it different when you get to shop at grocery stores? This summer we're down to 1-2 Fresh Direct deliveries a month and I'm supplementing everything else with farmers' markets and fruit kiosks.

Truth be told, we eat the same thing almost every day.

Any yummy recipes bouncing around out there that will make it worth going to the grocery store?


  1. nope. I think eating according to whatever looks pretty at the farmers market makes good sense! Also, I always figure, you can throw anything into certain dishes. Pasta primavera. Salads of many sorts. Risotto. Just toss everything in. yum!

    meanwhile, one word of warning. There are many strains of pineapple in the world, some significantly more acidic than others. Fruit stand pineapple may kill you.

  2. If you're pressed for time but sick of old stand-bys, allow me to suggest one of our too-beat-to-cook frozen favorites, the Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake. Kale, sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, plaintains, and 7 whole grains on a mission. Heck yes.

    You're coming SUPER soon! Rachel and Jamie are coming in TWO WEEKS! Holy moly!

  3. Make that "plantains," both to correct the spelling and to emphasize that plantains are far from "plain."

  4. Wish I could give you some insight, but I've been living on pasta.
    We decided tonight though, that we aren't going to eat any processed food for a month. We're eating all Middle Eastern, Mediterranean foods until the big meat-tacular barbecue in August. I'll surely have some great suggestions once I research my menus.
    Oh, made some hummus tonight.
    chickpeas, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and some whole wheat pita. Soooooo delicious.
