Monday, August 17, 2009


I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to see if the heat has done us in it. Good news - we are all still here, but Miss Marple is increasingly lethargic (which, I think, is really saying something considering she is a cat). In fact, tonight has been a remarkably productive evening. My promotion kicked in today at work and I'm loving it - I've been cruising off that burst of energy you get with an exciting change.

Well, I suppose the caffeine I consumed in the form of a chai around 4:00 could have helped too. I'm very into chai from the cafe across my office - Spoon. It is not sweetened, which I think is fabulous. You can add as little or as much sweetener as you would like. I opt for less. My palate for sweet things has been ever-decreasing lately. Also, I would love for my house to look like their storefront restaurant, so recharging my spirit while ordering tea is a nice bonus.

Anyway, like I was saying, tonight was very productive because I managed to come home, clean the kitchen and bathroom, water my neighbor's plants and sort all the laundry before retiring to the bedroom to attempt to fix my iPhone. It is still acting up and it seems like such a petty thing to be upset about that I can't find the energy to care too much. Everything about it is fine except that it won't launch third-party apps since I upgraded my software. Is anyone else having this problem? Has anyone found a way to fix it?

And now I am here dreaming of slipcovers and pillows and fabric stashes. This month's issue of Real Simple has an article about transforming closets into mini-rooms and Nathan saw me reading said article last night. All he said was "Where will we store the towels?" Good point, Nathan - he knew I was dreaming of converting our storage closet into my personal getaway nook. (PS - Don't tell Nathan, but I think I've thought of a place to put the towels).

I think an urge to nest is the first sign of changing seasons. The second sign of impending autumn is pictures of pumpkins and they are scattered about this month's issue of Better Homes & Gardens. Thinking of pumpkins makes the fact that I am contemplating buying these boots seem almost logical even though it is hot as blazes out there. And yes, I can read the price tag on those, but, if you think about it, that's a fairly good price for a staple item that is necessary if you walk miles a day in the cold of winter. And we're just in the thinking stage right now - the trying on and mulling it over stages will come (hopefully when the air cools down a little). Can you imagine putting on a boot right now? I'm about to pass out just considering it!


  1. Haha love the I think I got a place to put the towels! You are too funny!

  2. Congratulations on the promotion! How FUN!

    I am the same way when the seasons change. I have an overwhelming need to reorganize and clean. Which never happens.

  3. I own those boots except they are from sister company Madewell--- get a boot horn and plan on crying while trying to put them on in a hurry. Also, make sure Nathan is home before you need to take them off because it is a two man job! You should look for ones with a zipper! Steph

  4. Hooray for the return of the blog. Also those boots have a half zip on the side you cannot see. They don't zip up all the way, so I'm not sure of the purpose of the zipper, but they are cute. Glad to have you back on the blog.

  5. Congrats on the promotion!!
    I can't believe how hot it's been in VT too. Finally, we get some summer up here.
    I'm hoping things will cool off by the time I get to NYC!
