Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Does anyone else become really disoriented if you nap?

I love napping, but it always makes me somewhat disoriented and paranoid, so I try to avoid it unless I am so, so, so sleepy. I can rest with no problems, but actually going to sleep makes me freak out.

So, yesterday I fell asleep on the plane, fell asleep for a few hours at home, woke up for supper and then fell asleep again and then woke up when Nathan suggested I move to the bed from the couch.

My brain was and still is freaking out. Wish me luck today as I feel like I'm floating through life right now.


  1. I hope your day gets better (and more oriented) by the hour, dear...love you!

  2. I am ALWAYS disoriented when I nap. I avoid it, whenever possible. It's a bad scene. B, on the other hand, naps like it's going out of style. Strange, eh?

  3. Practice your napping by sleeping in church.

