Saturday, January 9, 2010


I came across this article over at Cheap, Healthy, Good.

Interesting, no?

Do you think Americans are taught we are too stupid to cook? I think we've been taught that we're too busy to cook. Thoughts?


  1. Too busy to cook seems more accurate to me. And maybe "cooking is too complicated to do all the time" as a compromise.

  2. I agree. I was taught to cook and one of my new year's resolutions is to cook twice a week. That is good for me considering I work 16 hour days a lot of the time.

  3. Too busy is what I've always though, not that I can't, or that I'm too stupid.

    I think a lot of cookbooks out now are leaning towards clear pictures, charts (types of cutting veggies the recipes call for, etc) that, perhaps to someone not engrained in our culture, would appear that we need that help because we are too stupid. I don't think that's true. I don't really think it's because we're too stupid, it's just "nervous you'll screw it up" and the photos are acting as a reassuring measure.

    In short, I suppose I can see how people could view boxed cake mix, etc as too stupid, but I think it's time-related.

  4. I think that people THINK they are too busy to cook and this a good excuse to eat highly processed convenience foods. When really, it's not all that difficult to make healthy, simple dishes.
    And I know that people think that I think it's easy because I went to culinary school and I LIKE cooking, but it isn't so. If you care about what you put in your body, and put a higher priority on what you eat, it wouldn't be such a chore to most people.

  5. I agree. I think we've lost this idea in our culture that food is a GOOD thing to spend time and money on. I mean, we try to be frugal, but I think it makes more sense to spend money on food than movie tickets or clothes. 50-75 years ago, FOOD and a house is what our grandparents spent their money and time on. It's essential. Even if it's just cooking a stir fry or an egg with veggies for dinner, it's important for me to cook.
