Saturday, June 6, 2009


Happy Birthday, Best Friend!

Y'all, this girl has been my best friend since we were 10 years old. Here's a few things I LOVE about her:

-She introduced her to her other best friend who is now one of the best friends too--she is a sharer!

-Her hair is inspirational to me. One day my hair too will be so gorgeous!

-She is never afraid to tell me what she really thinks about stuff==she's told me before that I was acting like a terrible person and that clothing looked terrible on me. She's also quick to tell me she loves me.

-For whatever reason, she often jokingly takes Nathan's side--unless it's serious and then I know she always has my back.

-She's the one person I know who would probably actually kill someone for me if she thought it was justified. For bonus points, she would also willingly go to jail to serve her time after this, but would always steadfastly believe the person "needed killing."

-She did and does all the things I never did - like dating more than one person (ever) - and she tells me stories that make me feel blessed beyond belief.

-Pieces of clothing that look terrible on me look wonderful on her and vice versa. This is awesome. We shop together better than anyone else. I sort of hate shopping with people that aren't her.

-We talk every other day or so. Probably no one else besides Nathan knows as much about what's going on in my life.

-So, pretty much, I love her beyond words. I can't wait to see her again in August and I'm pretty much counting down the days. Happy Birthday, Bestest Best Friend!
Me and my "Best Maid" at the rehearsal dinner.
With our other best friend.
At Other Best Friend's wedding.
Best Friend's 21st birthday.
At this lovely lady's 21st birthday party--Blackjack themed.
Hahaha. What good is a birthday post without my FAVORITE picture of her ever?
We were tired. We had been B-maiding it up all weekend--I think we earned that yummy cake!


  1. Awww!!! That seriously made me tear up!!! I love you too! I also LOVE that last picture but I don't think that I have ever seen it before! Can't wait to be "roomies" in August!

  2. This was a touching shout out to the best of all bestest. I was kinda hoping "The File" would have made the cut, you are the keeper of th file and all it's Korrie secrets. Those could make or break a girl!

  3. Hey now...let's not talk about the file! =)

  4. Yessss..the file! I should have spilled those secrets!
