Thursday, May 28, 2009


I miss Trader Joe's like you wouldn't believe. TJ's was a hop, skip and a jump from our apartment in Boston. Unfortunately, the ENTIRE island of Manhattan has to share ONE Trader Joe's, so it is pretty much not worth your time to go. After you wait 30 minutes in line to get in the door, bump elbows with 5 million other people to grab your items and then wait for 30 minutes in line to check out, the food is infinitely more expensive time-wise.

I am a HUGE fan of Fresh Direct and if you live in New York I would check it out. It's cheap, fast, easy and very high quality.

That said, if you have a Trader Joe's, find one and buy the harvest grain mix. We don't eat a lot of rice or cous cous, but this mix is INCREDIBLE. It's a combination of orzo, Israeli cous cous, red quinoa and baby garbanzo beans. I threw together a salad with it the other night and it was beyond amazing--quite possibly the PERFECT summer meal.

Want to try some yourself? Use Ina Garten's panzanella recipe, but use only 3 Tbsp. olive oil and sub in one cup cooked grains for the croutons. Delish, y'all!


  1. Hello from summery Kiev! The tomatoes and cucumbers ARE everywhere--as are the bright peppers, cherries, strawberries, eggplants, apricots, zucchinis and other goodnesses. Not to mention, of course, the sala and frshly killed, still flopping fish lining the sidewalks. Bringing back memories? I've passed on the fish and have obly tried the sala once at a friend's house, but the veggies are soooo much better here. It's phenominal. We just avoid anything that looks a little unusual or oversized or in any way reminiscent of Chernobyl!

  2. I'm pretty sure I read The Alchemist in 10th grade for English class and I loved it! It just might be time for a re-reading of it.
