Thursday, August 20, 2009


My to-do list is out of control. I have a massive list at work and a massive list at home and, sometimes, I just want to nap or watch Friends. Is this terrible?

The good news is that I have arrived at the life I always wanted. Yes. I have friends and weekend plans and jaunts to the beach and around town and a husband and a fantastic apartment.

The bad news, I suppose, is that it is still outrageously hot. I know for a lot of you summer is about being hot, but, let me remind you, you have air conditioning and cars with air conditioning. I am crammed into trains with hundreds of other people who are all literally wiping the sweat off of themselves. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, EVERYONE underground is now carrying some piece of fabric to wipe themselves off with. We are all elderly southern gentlemen.


  1. My to do list is also starting to look a little intimidating.

    I am so glad that you are enjoying life! Isn't that what it is really all about anyway?

  2. Ha! It was the same way here; hankies out all over the place. Now it's a breezy 70 during the day, so people are starting to pull out the wool(!!!!). It's all about extreme clothing here.

    Glad you're doing well!

  3. Shall I send a folding fan to you? You could be the only one fanning like a lady? Love you!
