Monday, August 24, 2009


Homemade Pinkberry. Make it now. I promise.

Inspired by my dear friend Lilac, I combined a container of non-fat plain yogurt (the big 32 oz one), 3/4 cup of sugar (although I'll bump that down to 1/2 cup next time) and a teaspoon or so of vanilla (no, I didn't measure it.).

Threw that in my fancy-schmancy KitchenAid mixer ice cream attachment (totally worth the money) and let it whip up and freeze.

Top with frozen blueberries and strawberries and, voila!, homemade Pinkberry without the trip downtown. For those of you in other locales, you can really save on gas since Pinkberry is only available in California, New York and Abu Dabai.

Trust me, you want to make this.


  1. i bookmarked this recipie on my computer. i'll surely have to try it now that it come reccomended!

  2. And they are so special that American Express used them in advertising!
