Friday, May 15, 2009


It's so hard to say goodbye to a television show's characters at the end of the season. Does anyone else feel this way?

We only watch 3 shows together (and I watch The Hills separately--Nathan won't watch until Spencer is no longer a character) and so I have an attachment to "my" shows and "my" characters. Not having a television means I can't mindlessly flip through channels and it also means that I choose to commit to a small, select group of shows.

I will miss Jim and Pam this summer. I will wish once a week on Thursdays that Michael and Holly could somehow live in the same town again. I will wonder what Jack and Liz are up to. I will continue to wonder everyday how the cast of Heroes is going to get out of the mess they created and, more importantly, I will wonder why they got themselves into that mess to start with.***

It's a long summer without my old television friends, but at least I have a long four months ahead of me to re-watch every episode of Friends, read cookbooks, take long walks with my husband and eat fresh tomatoes and blueberries and peaches and watermelon. I suppose summer is worth saying goodbye to television if the trade is fresh produce.

***Yes, I do have a penchant for NBC shows. Why do you ask?


  1. you guys desperately need big bang theory. desperately.

  2. oh i miss jim and pam too, especially since i think there is a bun in the oven!

  3. I am so proud of Michael for being so reasonable! And was the Dwight/Jim comraderie not beyond excellent? I spent the whole episode making happy noises.

  4. Our satellite is about to be returned to it's rightful owner this weekend.
    But it's ok, I really didn't watch that much tv over the winter.
    I did manage to watch rhonyc. OY.
    I'm planning on catching the last season of The Hills online, once a catch up with all my blog reading!!
    You'll have so much to do you won't miss the tellie. Think of all the Farmer's Markets and Summer festivals you'll get to go to!!

  5. Fresh fruits and veggies sounds like a good trade to me. Love you!
