Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is the view that greets you from our front door. Welcome to our new apartment and to the new blog! Come on in.

Turning left, you can look down the hall into my FAVORITE room in the new place and the room that sold us on this apartment--the kitchen. Yes, that is a classroom-sized chalkboard there on the right. Right now it has a triple integral or somesuch on it. Nathan is a mathematician (like, he actually has published research) and he's always working on something on that chalkboard. I dream of it covered in quotes and little drawings, but it is his chalkboard, so integrals it is.

The chalkboard is the inspiration for the name of this new blog. When my best friend heard we had a chalkboard in the kitchen, she remarked that it was the ultimate in "intellectual domesticity" and so the name was born.
Now we're standing the kitchen looking back toward the foyer. The blue hutch holds our dishes and one of the drawers contains nothing but baking and cake decorating supplies! The colander and sifter both belonged to my grandmother and, yes, they are used and not merely decoration.
Since the kitchen is truly my domain and I miss my pre-marriage days of pink living SO MUCH, the kitchen has as much pink in it as Nathan allows. These pieces of art are pink and green with bird and bee cutouts.
Here's the work area. My Kitchen Aid and our espresso maker both live on the counter! This is a huge improvement from our old kitchen where they lived under the sink.
Didn't Nathan put together a swanky pot rack for me? I love it. See that cabinet above the fridge? I can't reach it and Nathan hides his contraband food there like Coca-Cola and Oreos. My grandfather hid cookies and it sort of warms my heart that Nathan does the same thing.
And now we're in the living room. I love this corner. Miss Marple spends a lot of time here contemplating how she can get through that window to catch one of the pigeons that hang out on our fire escape. We found the wicker bench in this photo Friday night on the street. I love it!
This is the far end of the living room--the dining room. It's a bit sparse right now. I'm still debating what kind of a centerpiece to have. And yes, that's a box of stuff to go to Goodwill in the corner.
Here's a long shot of the living room from the dining room table.
And here's the view from the couch. No, we don't have a television. My boss (jokingly) accused me the other day of being anti-technology. Not true! I watch The Hills, The Office, Heroes and 30 Rock--just on my laptop instead of a television.
Here's our bathroom. Nothing too fancy, but I do like it.
And here's our bedroom. Yes, only one window has blinds--we are awaiting a missing piece to hang up the other one.
The view from our bed:
And our rumbled bed (Nathan flopped around on it a bit before I took this picture). We lost a sham in the move and I'm heartbroken over it. I hope that it turns up.
So, there you have it. Thanks for stopping by. Please change your blog rolls and reader subscriptions to the new address. Leave a comment after you do this (scout's honor) and I'll enter you in my giveaway that will showcase some of my favorite things!


  1. Hi Rachel Ann - It's me, the gal who got you the Real Simple subscription! I am so excited to see your new blog and see that you're settled well in NYC. The apartment is great! I have updated my blog roll on my new blog as well. Have a great Sunday evening!

  2. Hello to your new home!! Everything is lovely! I am so happy for you. You are settling in just fine..xo

  3. I L-O-V-E THE NEW PLACE!!! Wonderful photo tour! It really has more space! A LOT more space! It looks fabulous and I can't wait to come see it in person!

    Love you!

  4. I like it. I have no idea if you remember me or not (from camp, where your bro and sis in law met)... so I hope you don't find it creepy that I'm following your blog. But I love it, and I love hearing all of your cooking tips, since I'm an avid cook and baker as well.

  5. OMG! I love the curtains in the living room!! I can't wait to see it in person. i can't believe all the space!

  6. Looks great, soo many special detail really make it your place. Like who else has a chalkboard of that caliber in their kitchen. Amazing soo happy for you both.

  7. so pretty...I can't wait to redecorate when we move this summer. Speaking of the summer do you and Nathan have plans to visit NC? I've got to live it up while I'm out of school :)

    Hope all is well..

  8. Love the your new you!

  9. what a lovely NYC apartment! The bathroom looks so nice! Glad you are getting settled!

  10. AT LAST!

    I've been checking this link for weeks, anticipating the launch. I'm a) beyond honored to be linked, b) in love with the chalkboard and the contraband food cabinet (My first thought was Nathan's multiple, king-size, white chocolate Kit Kat bars from that day when we all napped on the floor of Alumni.), and c) I think we have the same wall picture frames. The four horizontal frames on the wall to the left your dining room? Are they BB&B? We have two (recent additions to the guest room), but they're vertical.

    Happy New Blog, and we love you both!

  11. Love the new place - it looks much bigger than something I'd imagine in NYC!

  12. Love your new place!
    You're so lucky to have found an apartment with such a tidy, cute little bathroom. And the kitchen too!!
    I'm thinking a housewarming gift should be in order. Maybe some art for your walls.......
    I actually have a few really nice pieces that we aren't going to use. I'll email pictures, but it may take me a while.
    congrats on the new place and the new blog!!

  13. love the looks of the new place! I've been following you for a few months now and am so happy you're doing well. I'm over at if you ever want to stop by!
    - Kira (GSW)

  14. The chalkboard is awesome... glad that worked out!

  15. Rachel Ann-I came across your blog today! super cute! you are so creative and I love your pictures! : ) what is this contest thing? sounds interesting.... oh and thanks for restaurant ideas for nyc! i'm super excited about the cupcake! -Nicole

  16. changed my mental bookmark! give me something pretty! actually, don't! i'll be overseas!

  17. I love the book reviews. Keep it up!!!

  18. its lovely. ive been waiting to see the photos for a while. im glad you posted some. we should do something together when we paddle to NY this summer eh?
